#11: No More Excuses! How to Rewire Your Mindset for Success

Leah and Steve discuss the importance of pushing through mundane tasks to achieve long-term success. They explore common excuses people use to avoid progress and draw from personal experiences. Leah highlights the importance of perseverance, mindset, and self-awareness in building a successful business and family legacy.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
00:16 The Power of Low Resistance
00:50 Embracing Boring Micro Actions
04:55 The 98% vs. The 2% Mindset
08:36 The Reality of Excuses
10:46 Lessons from a Failed Promotion
24:05 The Parable of the Talents
Related Links:
Leah’s Blog Post on Time Management: https://leahmchenry.com/the-lie-of-not-enough-time/
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