The Lie of “Not Enough Time”

People frequently ask me what a day in the life of a mompreneur like me looks like.

They gasp when they hear that

a) I have five kids

b) they are all homeschooled

c) that I run multiple businesses on top of that, all from home.

They usually say…

“WOAH. I can’t even handle my one kid.”

“Wow, I can’t imagine doing all that, I’m tired just thinking about it.”

“I wish I had time to run a business”.

Something along those lines.

Before I consider sharing what a typical day looks like for me, we have to unpack the above mentality because it could actually be hindering you from making millions or building your dream business.

So here’s the thing.

We are capable of WAY MORE than we believe.

I’m going to preface this message with telling you that in addition to the things I do:

music career
three businesses
5 kids

…I’ve been doing it as someone who has struggled big time with health issues.

I’ve had adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems, anxiety attacks, struggled with insomnia for years, weight problems, insulin resistance, and general LOW ENERGY.

And this was all before I ever started a business, and goes back as far as my teen years.

If someone which chronic fatigue can do all of this, and someone wants to say to me “Wow I could never do that, I’m exhausted just hearing all you do”… I kind of want to slap them, haha! 😂

What they lack is not energy, it’s that they lack DRIVE and DETERMINATION.

To support their lack of drive and determination, they have created a belief system with a glass ceiling on their potential.

People do this in order to sabotage their future potential [subconsciously, most of the time].

When you see it… you see it.

Why is drive the secret sauce?

Drive is what gives you energy to do everything in life.

If you don’t have DRIVE, everything is exhausting.

And that is quite literally from a hormonal perspective too.

If you have super low drive, it’s likely your testosterone levels are also too low (which is an epidemic for men currently, and women too).

In addition to low drive, if you walk around with the BELIEF that “I could never do that” or “I don’t have the energy or time”… guess what?

You’re right, because you believe that and your body and your actions will always align with your beliefs.

Think of it as an auto-calibration.

Your mind says something. And your body calibrates. Your actions calibrates. Your results calibrate.

I believe differently of what I’m capable of, so I’m accomplishing different things.

My mental capacity (which is invisible, by the way) is greater that some people’s. Therefore, my capacity for creating wealth is greater (also invisible), despite what my body is doing.

What you believe about time and energy will result in a matching outcome.

I heard someone say that working a 14 hour day feels normal to them and if they worked a 6 hour day it would feel like they didn’t do anything. To someone else, working 14 hours is insane.

So, how did the 14-hour day become normal to that person? They slowly increased their capacity.

It’s like this: most people don’t decide to have kids and then suddenly a stork with six babies shows up on their doorstep the next morning.

Typically, you’re adding one kid at a time.
You adjust.
Life goes on.
One more kid becomes the new normal.
I recall this exact feeling as I had my five kids.

Baby #1: A huge adjustment to life. After 6 months I felt like I was in the swing of motherhood.

Baby #2: Another big adjustment. First time feeling like I’m juggling quite a lot, between diapers, naps, feedings, and a busy toddler. Learning to go out anywhere was a challenge, especially by myself.

Baby #3: Much easier because I know this motherhood thing now. Life was already happening and we had a rhythm. Two pre-schoolers and a baby. Yeah, it’s a lot, but keeping a routine helped, and I even got out to the gym most mornings before my husband left for work.

Baby #4: I struggled with this adjustment for a while, MAINLY because of my insomnia problems, which led to further adrenal fatigue. It was not from my babies or kids not sleeping, in fact, I sleep-trained all 5 of my babies to sleep 7-8 hours at night by the time they were 8-10 weeks old (that was glorious). Eventually, I adjusted.

Baby #5: This was the most fun I had in adding an addition to our family, mainly because the older kids were all out of diapers by this point, so they were also helpful. It was also more “crazy” in that at least three kids were now homeschooling and I had a toddler and a newborn. But I have the best memories of this stage.

You see, at first, one baby felt like all I could handle. Until I added another, and then that was my current capacity. Until I added another, and another.

Your capacity for work GROWS as as you allow it and add a bit more at time.

We are capable of so much more than we think.

Currently, I have three teenagers, a pre-teen, and a 2nd grader. Way too many pets, a music career, and three businesses, and looking to invest in other businesses also.

Could I have done all that I’m doing now back when I only had one kid? No, because I hadn’t built my capacity to that level yet.

You can’t jump from 1 to 10.

You go from 1 to 2.

And then 2 to 3.

So this is the thing… before I ever share a day in the life, and you start comparing and thinking “Ohmygosh, I could never do everything she’s doing” you’ve got to first address your own beliefs about time, energy, and capacity.

One time I posted on social media what a DAY OFF looked like for me and people couldn’t believe how much I put into a day and thought it sounded exhausting. I’m like, “What are you talking about, that was a relaxing day!” — and this is coming from someone with adrenal fatigue.

So for today, your job is to assess your capacity.

Honestly look at what’s on your plate — are you capable of more than you have been telling yourself?

Even with limitations or containers, imagine wealth creation as easy and fun.

What would that look like?

Is it possible you’ve sabotaged your own success because of what you’ve told yourself you can do?

If I’ve been able to accomplish what I have… imperfectly… there’s zero reason why you can’t also.

I hope this blog was helpful to you. If it was, please leave a comment. I thrive off of feedback, it helps me know what’s resonating for you.

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1 Comment

  1. Adama on September 26, 2023 at 7:41 am

    This blog resonated in so many ways, I also have all of the conditions you described, which have been life-long. Thank you so much for this reminder that our personal ‘glass ceilings’ can be shattered if only we allow ourselves to think past what we thought was possible for us.

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